The Island Beautiful / Mortal Mirror
Translated by Alex Da Corte:
Anna Rosen, Alexander May, Rory Mulligan, Brendan Lynch, Jayson Musson, Nick Van Woert, Andy Maas,
Kate Greene, Alexi Kukuljevic, Edward Carey, Christian Holstad, Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, David Muenzer
February 5 - March 19, 2011


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The Island Beautiful / Mortal Mirror presents the work of thirteen artists translated by Alex Da Corte in two mirrored spaces, one with color and the other without. The exhibition is accompanied by the release of a limited edition artist book.
Throughout The Island Beautiful / Mortal Mirror Da Corte absorbs work from each artist into his own. In the way one may appear in another's dream, the artists appear as extensions of themselves; the original structure and meaning co-opted by Da Corte and reinterpreted in a dissociated imagination. The history of each artist, the past meanings given to the work, the cultural significance they exude, the singular experience assumed, are all collapsed in favor of a connected weightless whole. The work of others and consumer waste are equally available as raw material.
Da Corte uses the exhibition to expose our use of language and identity as problematic. Thought, meaning and interpretation are presented as unfixed and we are given a new logic shaped by multiplicity and parallel understandings. The Island Beautiful / Mortal Mirror invites you to enter an island of thought only made whole through one's incomplete memory. One space, a vivid fever dream, the other a skeletal hand pointing to illusion.